This week has been a great week of learning! We began the week reading Knuffle Bunny and recalling the problem and solution in the story. Then, we made a text to self connection by brainstorming things that were special to us. After brainstorming ideas we picked one thing that was really special from our web, and then we explained our reason for why it was special to us. During reading we also begin finding the the main idea of a book. I explained to the kids that the main idea is what everything in the book is about. I used a stool as a way of explaining this concept. We discussed that the seat is the main idea and the legs are the details. This visual really helped the kids see that details are used to "support" the main idea. In addition to recalling the main idea in a book, we practiced coming up with our own topic sentences when we write. Today in writing we came up with a topic sentence, and then worked staying on topic throughout our entire writing piece, which was about an experience with a friend or family member. Writing can be a difficult skill for some students, but I am proud of how hard the kids have worked this week on their writing. Handwriting has been a major focus this week as well. I have been looking for neat handwriting and correct strokes this week as the kids have completed various writing activities during journaling, centers, and morning work. Please spend some time working with your child on handwriting and reversals. The more practice the better. Some students are still struggling with number reversals and the letters p, b, and d.
We officially began guided reading this week. I started pulling groups back based on their instructional reading levels. Some of the skills we worked on in the groups were: phonics patterns for short a and short o, monitoring for meaning as we read, and inferring a character's feelings. The needs of each group varies depending on their level, but each group of students is getting the instruction and guidance they need to be better readers and writers. I have loved getting to hear the kiddos read this week and watching them apply the skills their learning to their guided writing. Be looking for books to start coming home in the next few weeks. I will send dojo message to let you know when this takes place.
In math we finished week two of number sense. We focused this week on the vocabulary terms: more, fewer, and the same as well as greater than and less than. The last few days we spent some time understanding greater than and less than using the signs that represent these words (<.>). We worked to make number sentences that were true using the signs, and we practiced reading number sentences correctly using the greater than and less than signs. Yesterday we put our number sense and vocabulary into practice by comparing the winds of Hurricane Harvey to Hurricane Irma. This engaging activity brought to life greater than and less than. It was cool seeing how interested the kids were in applying their higher level thinking skills to something in the real world. Next week we will use our number sense to help us begin learning about number bonds. Number Bonds will be used as a strategy to help us when begin addition in a few weeks.
I apologize for the limited number of pictures this week. I sometimes forget to take "actions shots" of all we are doing. I know there hasn't been a lot of work that has come up home, but take my word that your kids are working and learning! I will do better about posting work to individual kids stories so that way you can see what your child is doing how they are progressing. I try to spend our time doing quality learning activities that allow me to see if students have learned a concept without doing tons of worksheets.
Have a great weekend! Spirit week is next week for homecoming. Below are the dress up days.
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Hawaiian Day
Thursday - Disney Day (favorite character)
Friday - Homecoming Day
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